Nettie_Magee shot by Gregg Hartley

Chillin at Nettie’s Roadside

Chillin at Nettie’s Roadside

Name: Nettie Magee.
Occupation: Owner; Nettie’s Roadside

Photography by Gregg Hartley

In the last two years Nettie’s initial quiet  beauty has grown, making her one of the most in-demand models in south Florida. Her laugh and spontaneous smile along with an ability to remake her look inspire creativity in every photo session. Nettie is one of the featured models in Elite Glamour Weekend, March 18 – 19, 2023, Pompano Beach, Florida.

GMM: Where are you originally from?

Nettie: West Palm, FL.

GMM: What is your nationality?

Nettie: Italian.

GMM: What are your measurements?

Nettie: Small bottom, medium top.

GMM: Give us 5 words that you think best describe you?

Nettie: Outgoing, determined, kind, jokester, confident.

GMM: What is your astrological sign?

Nettie: Cancer.

GMM: How would you describe your personality in that regard?

Nettie: I’m outgoing!

Nettie_Magee shot by Gregg Hartley

GMM: What is your best asset?

Nettie: My smile.

GMM: What do others compliment you on the most?

Nettie: My smile.

GMM: How did you get started in modeling?

Nettie: I did a shoot when I was singing with my band and I started receiving messages from other photographers asking me to shoot with them

GMM: Are you signed with an agency?

Nettie: No, no agency

GMM: What do you enjoy most about modeling?

Nettie: I love how you can make art with your body!

GMM: What is the funniest thing to happen to you on a shoot?

Nettie: I can’t pick just one! I think that there’s been at least one funny incident during every shoot!

GMM: What are the top three things you like to shoot?

Nettie: Bikini, Lingerie and Glamour.

GMM: Do you enjoy the constant attention and adoration that comes with being a glamour model?

Nettie: Yes and no. I love being in a role model position, but it’s also hard at times feeling that you have to live up to everyone’s expectations of what a typical “model” should be.

GMM: Where do you want your career to be in two years?

Nettie: I am content where I have gone in my modeling career.

GMM: What are some of your talents other than modeling?

Nettie: I love to sing!

GMM: Take us through your getting ready to model routine?

Nettie: Good night sleep, Hydrate, moisturize, makeup, hair, and dress.

GMM: What is the best info you can give a new model?

Nettie: Don’t be too hard on yourself. Everyone is beautiful.

GMM: As a model, what would you say has been your biggest obstacle?

Nettie: Figuring out who to work with and who not to.

GMM: If you had to walk away from modeling today, what memory would you take from it?

Nettie: My kindness

GMM: If you had to walk away, what would you like to be remembered most for?

Nettie: Beauty is only skin deep and I don’t want to be remembered for my looks or my pictures. I want to be remembered for how I made others feel and for my kindness.