Glamour Model Magazine Shootouts and workshops
Join us as we start putting together some of SOCAL’s best shootouts and workshops ever!
Our shootouts will not be your typical California shootout. We’ve sent Senior Editor and Photographer, Jay Kilgore, on many shootouts and got his feedback. Jay is no stranger to hosting, teaching and leading shootouts and workshops. His information was invaluable; “Shootouts are lacking direction and quality leadership. It’s a free-for-all with the event organizers not caring about the event.” Jay has taught well over 200 shootouts and workshops and was waiting for the right time to do them in Cali!
But wait! There’s more!
GMM Shootouts and workshops will not only be lead by Jay! Over time, we will have events lead by many great photographers with our own contributing photographer David Hickey as one of them!
With great models, GMMSW will be some of the best events to hit SOCAL! For our first shootout event, we are going to have Cali based models.
March Shootout announcing officially soon!