Genevieve Burnesse Stunner Shades

This Blonde is not your typical California girl. Transplanted from Atlanta, Georgia to Hollywood, California Genevieve is mind blowing with her stunning looks and personality.

Q&A with Genevieve Burnesse


Model, Designer, Actress and part-time Director

Where are you originally from?

Atlanta, Georgia

What is your nationality?

Primarily Native American and German!

What are your measurements?




24 Waist

34 Hips

6.5 Shoe

Give us 5 words that you think best describe you?

Creative, Innovative, Inspired, Visionary, Dedicated

Your Astrological sign here, how would you describe your personality in that regard?

Capricorn with a Scorpio moon! The struggle between my head and heart is strong, but I ultimately decide.

What would you say is your best asset?

Definitely my mind. I wouldn’t say I have “a gift” for creation, because that’s simply not true. I have a knack for working towards my goal; envisioning the finish line and hurling towards it with everything I’ve got.

What do others compliment you on the most?

Lately, my butt. I’ve been living at the gym in my apartment building in West Hollywood, and every hotel my agency has flown me out to.

How did you get started in modeling?

I walked in 2 children’s fashion shows for Nordstrom (Spring show at age 7, Fall show at age 8) From personal experience, I highly recommend that no one under 16 does that. It’s not Nordstrom, it’s the industry. Getting tossed into the modeling world head-first is exactly how eating disorders and body dysmorphia get a first-class pass into young minds. So, in short, learn to love yourself before you learn to love your appearance as a place-holder.

Are you signed with an agency?

I am currently signed with MILES Models Agency in Atlanta, non-exclusively. They are a wonderful agency but I am definitely striving to climb upwards in the food chain.

What do you enjoy most about modeling?

The instant I step out in front of the lens, every ounce of stress in my body dissipates. I absolutely love being able to make art with my body and having the ability to inspire others to do the same. Self-love isn’t all that common anymore and I’m working hard to change that!

What is the funniest thing to happen to you on a shoot?

Falling off a log into the river last month in Trabuco Canyon, CA

What are the top three things you like to shoot?

  1. My own designs and creations
  2. Any that promotes a body-positive message
  3. Artistic implied-nude

Do you enjoy the constant attention and adoration that comes with being a glamour model?

Absolutely, it enables me to inspire others in ways I otherwise could not.

Where do you want your career to be in two years?

2 years from now, I’d love to have an entourage of devoted artists working for my company, BLVCK CVT. We will be able to provide a solid career path complete with benefits such as our artist tools collection and connections across the US in all of the artistic fields of entertainment. Basically, I want to be able to rescue fellow creatives from “The Artist’s Struggle” so they can share their work with our world.

What are some of your hidden talents other than modeling?

My primary passion is designing. Lately, I’ve been striving to incorporate 3D design (3D printing) into my upcoming street wear line, BLVCK CVT. The first new items from our street wear collection will be released in July of 2017 on

Take us through your getting ready to model routine?

Honestly, I don’t understand why it takes girls more than 2 hours to get ready. Even my most intense routine (face mask, shower, blow-dry/straighten my insanely curly locks, pack for my photo shoot, get dressed, make up) only takes 1 hour and 45 minutes. If you’re taking too long, you’re either wasting your life or you shouldn’t be modeling. Actually…both. On set, you don’t have time to fix all of your insecurities. As a model, you should fully accept yourself and show it off. That is the definition of our profession. Don’t try to change yourself or smear beige goop across your personality. That’s not what this form of art is about.

What is the best info you can give a new model?

Do NOT do it for the money!!!

I worked tirelessly for 3 years without pay before I secured my professional ranking. If you don’t love what you’re doing, you shouldn’t be doing it at all.

As a model, what would you say has been your biggest obstacle?

My biggest obstacle is, by far, dealing with creeps. Last year I created my manager, Athena Leighton, who represented myself and friends when people tried to rip us off. Athena is me in a red wig with a British accent. Expect some comedic shorts soon from my youtube channel

If you had to walk away from modeling today, what memory would you take from it?

If I had to step down right now, I am confident that I could pass the torch on to any of the models I have been mentoring for the past several years, knowing I have made a significant difference in many young models lives. You don’t truly understand what it is to be a “model” until you have actually become a real role model for the girls that follow in your footsteps.

If you had to walk away, what would you like to be remembered most for?

I certainly hope to be remembered for being an inspiration. I want to be the kind of motivation that drives aspiring models to stay up all night researching casting calls while they’re running full-speed on the treadmill.