GMM staffer Ryan has been on FIRE as of late with his photography! With a unique vision and style, Ryan has been bringing us the beauties that we come to expect from Cali and German Hannah Nicole is no exception! Beauty, brains, and body like a goddess, Hannah Nicole is one we HAD to feature for you all!

My name is Hannah Nicole and I’m a Cosmetologist from Westlake Village, CA. My nationality is German and my measurements are 34D, 37 hips, 28 waist. Five words that best describe me? Hmmm… Fun loving, outgoing, ambitious, crazy, and spontaneous. I’m a Scorpio and I think my best features are my butt and legs. I get compliments mostly on how nice my skin always is.
Tell us about your modeling career?
Started at a young age when I lived in Texas doing numerous photo shoots and have grown from that point. I’m presently not signed by an agency. When it comes to modeling, I love getting to see the pictures in the end and all the amazing work my photographers capture! My favorite genres of modeling are Swimsuits, artistic nudes, lingerie. Do I love the attention from being a glamour model? I’d be lying if I said no! Haha.
Where do you want your career to be in two years?
I would love to be an international model and to be able to travel the world!
What are some of your hidden talents other than modeling?
Figure Skating! My parents got me into it when I was about four years old and have been at it ever since! Have been in multiple competitions and always feel so free on the ice.
Take us through your getting ready to model routine?
Hmm basically getting myself to wake up since most of the time I’m always shooting pretty early! Do my hair and makeup and pick out my outfits.
What is the best info you can give a new model?
Don’t be afraid to expand your horizon. Don’t ever let any opportunities pass you by! And always shoot with the best photographers. Set your standards high!
As a model, what would you say has been your biggest obstacle?
People who don’t believe in me or haven’t been on my side.
If you had to walk away (from modeling), what would you like to be remembered most for?
The amazing people I have met and experiences I have had with meeting so many amazing photographers and models.
If you had to walk away, what would you like to be remembered most for?
For being a genuine, honest, and caring model.
What, if anything, did we leave out that you want your fans to know?
That I truly love and appreciate all of my fans and supporters! You all are what keep me going XOXO