If we were to take all the glamour photographers in the world and make little mountains out of them, at the top would be Contributing photographer Mark Daughn and a few others. Mark is a very well known and respected photographer and we’re glad to have him on the GMM team! Let’s take a few minutes to get to know this photography wizard!
So tell us a bit about yourself:
My name is Mark Daughn and I’m a professional photographer based out of Texas, but work worldwide. I’ve been shooting professionally for 30 years now. I started my photography career as a Fashion industry as an assistant.
Do you have secrets? Or do you share?
I’m happy to share with others, I teach regularly.
Who would you love to shoot?
Angelina Jolie
Who is the most famous person you’ve shot?
I shot most of the big name models in the late 70s thru the 90s.
What makes you different?
I believe that everything about all of us as people is what sets us apart and individual. This applies to photography as well.
Who is your favorite photographer?
Dean Collins was my inspiration and guiding light in the technical end. I look at tons of images every week, I can’t say I have one favorite but the photographers out of Russia are really killing it
What is your ultimate goal as a photographer??
To continue to make memorable, strong, sexy images.
What traits do you look for in a model?

Desire, focus, the willingness to suppress their actual personality and become the character that I am asking them to be.
Canon? or Nikon?
Cannon, Bronica
What is your favorite lens to use?
70 – 200 2.8.
What is your favorite lighting gear?
I use Dynalite and Elichrone.
Mac? Or PC?
Do you have a favorite location to shoot?
No I go where the job takes me, not a huge fan of studios.
Do you bring Hairstylist and Make up artist to your shoots?
Yes I love the act of collaborating and the feedback from a talented HMUA is invaluable.
Do models try to play you for gimme’s? If so, does it work?
I pamper the models I work with so I don’t think they have much reason to play me.
Do you find it challenging to be around such beautiful models?
Challenging? I find this an odd question, but no they are people just like any other people
Do you think Photographers get bad raps?
Yes on occasion.
What is your favorite social network?
Is there anything we haven’t asked that you want others to know about you? the industry? your favorite cereal?
I love to pour a bottle of wine, or a glass of Burbon and sit and talk photography, so reach out to me I’m always willing help out if I can!