Glamour Comedian Celeste Rose is a Jill of all trades! Beauty, brains and comic wit, Celeste Rose does it all! Let’s take a few moments and get to know this comedienne:

GMM: So tell us a bit about yourself:
I’m Celeste Rose and although I grew up in the USA, I’m originally from Greece. I’m many things: a model, actress, musician, and comedian. Even though I was raised in America, I’m Greek by birth! My measurements are 36-24-35. Give words to describe me? Hmmm, how bout Meow, weird,,,loud,,,animal prints….:). I’m Leo by birth and I am a Leo down to the core.:). I would say my hair and smile are my best assets, but I get a lot of compliments on my hair.
Tell us about your modeling career?
I started in pageants when I was very young. Presently, I’m signed with Model and Talent management. what I love about modeling? I feel like every time you are in front of the camera you are creating a certain feeling…I like portraying different emotions and showing different parts of who i am and what i like about being a confident female. Funniest thing to happen on a shoot: I slipped and fell on a feather boa one time..that was a bad prop day lol. I love shooting lingerie, casual, swimwear.
Do you enjoy the constant attention and adoration that comes with being a glamour model?
I feel like I am just an extension of my work and if anyone would be so inclined to think i am awesome that is also awesome:)

Where do you want your career to be in two years?
I would like to be able to work with many more talented people and would love to one day be in the US playboy magazine.
What are some of your hidden talents other than modeling?
I don’t think I would call them hidden but modeling is definitely not the only passion I have as an entertainer..I am also a singer songwriter and comedian and actress.
Take us through your getting ready to model routine?
I am pretty simple these days, just a little mascara and a lot of confidence is all I need but depending on the look that the photographer or whomever I am working for needs. Of course I do all types of looks 🙂
What is the best info you can give a new model?
You really have got to know who you are and what you are going to take and what you aren’t stand up for it and just be what you say you are.
There is only one you so take you and put it into all you do.
As a model, what would you say has been your biggest obstacle?
I am not tall I am not extremely thin so being that against you in the world where the industry seems to fair to that type of model is frustrating. I don’t see why that is the definition of beauty. I feel like beauty is what it is and its in all of us but it is how you choose to show it that counts.
If you had to walk way from modeling today, what memory would you take from it?
The fact that I know I have inspired other young girls to go for whatever it is in their life that they would like to achieve whether that is modeling or what have you. Several people have reached out to me and told me that I have inspired them to follow their own dreams and that for me is the whole reason I do this
If you did walk away, how would you like to be remembered?
The fact that I stayed true to my being and what I believed. That I never did back down or give in for anything or any amount of money. My eye was always on something bigger than anyone else could see, but I could always see it and that was enough for me
What, if anything, did we leave out that you want your fans to know?
It is a blessing to be able to perform what I love to do. To all of my beautiful fans, I can’t thank them enough for sticking with me and believing what I stand for 🙂