You may remember the Bohemian beauty Keeli from her first feature run last Nov What you don’t know is we held back the good stuff! As with Taylor, we’re revisiting some of these posts to give you the full glamour experience! This week’s throw back Wednesday features Keeli from Denver. Let’s meet Keeli from Jay’s point of view:
Jay, tell us about Keeli, something we don’t know?
She’s the first person to teach me what “Boho” meant. I had always called it “hippy-style” – no offense.
What was your shoot like?
It was fun! It was one of my first shoots back in CO after I moved back. I saw her freckles and wanted to shoot just them. Didn’t care about anything else haha. Then she turned out to be awesome!
How many times have you guys shot?
We shot once :(.
How did you meet her?
Through male model Ryan. I wanted to do a couples shoot with him and another model. I had done with with Ryan and Kelsey, but Kelsey is opposed to topless so it didn’t give the mood I wanted for the photos. The photos were great, but I wanted a bit hotter stuff. Keeli offered and I scheduled a test shoot just to make sure who was in the photos was who showed up, and to make sure that she was ok if a nipple showed.
She showed up and…?
We shot! I loved her look and style. Loved the hippy boho look I found her to be agreeable and open for whatever!
Did the Ryan shoot ever happen?
No! Sadly, it didn’t. They started to date and after a short time it didn’t end all too well and neither was interested in working together. I lost out because she was perfect for it!
When was the last time you guys spoke?
I spoke to her last about five months ago? I sent her a facebook message asking if she wanted to shoot? She replied with telling me she was charging now. She’s had two shoots including mine and wanted to charge. I told her I wasn’t interested but wished her well. She digressed and said she would do it, but nothing ever worked out. I would love to shoot her before I leave Colorado, but if it doesn’t happen, I’ll be good with the photos we got!